Pre-Prints and Working Papers
Published Research Papers
Avice, R., Haslhofer, B., Li, Z., & Zhou, J. (2025). Linking cryptoasset attribution tags to knowledge graph entities: An LLM-based approach. Financial cryptography and data security.
Kitzler, S., Balietti, S., Saggese, P., Haslhofer, B., & Strohmaier, M. (2025). The governance of decentralized autonomous organizations: A study of contributors' influence, networks, and shifts in voting power. In: Clark, J., & Shi, E. (eds.), Financial cryptography and data security.
Carpentier-Desjardins, C., Paquet-Clouston, M., Kitzler, S., & Haslhofer, B. (2025). Mapping the DeFi crime landscape: An evidence-based picture. Journal of Cybersecurity, 11(1).
Saggese, P., Segalla, E., Sigmund, M., Raunig, B., Zangerl, F., & Haslhofer, B. (2024). Assessing the solvency of virtual asset service providers: Are current standards sufficient?. Applied Economics, 0(0).
Niedermayer, T., Saggese, P., & Haslhofer, B. (2024). Detecting financial bots on the ethereum blockchain. Companion proceedings of the ACM on web conference 2024.
Haslhofer, B., Hanslbauer, C., Fröwis, M., & Goger, T. (2023). Increasing the efficiency of cryptoasset investigations by connecting the cases. 2023 APWG symposium on electronic crime research (eCrime).
Jalali, A., Haslhofer, B., Kriglstein, S., & Rauber, A. (2023). Predictability and comprehensibility in post-hoc XAI methods: A user-centered analysis. In: Arai, K. (eds.), Intelligent computing.
Auer, R., Haslhofer, B., Kitzler, S., Saggese, P., & Victor, F. (2023). The technology of decentralized finance (DeFi). Digital Finance.
Kitzler, S., Victor, F., Saggese, P., & Haslhofer, B. (2023). A systematic investigation of DeFi compositions in ethereum. In: Matsuo, S., Gudgeon, L., Klages-Mundt, A., Perez Hernandez, D., Werner, S., Haines, T., Essex, A., Bracciali, A., & Sala, M. (eds.), Financial cryptography and data security. FC 2022 international workshops.
Schatzmann, J., & Haslhofer, B. (2023). Exploring investor behavior in bitcoin: A study of the disposition effect. Digital Finance.
Kitzler, S., Victor, F., Saggese, P., & Haslhofer, B. (2023). Disentangling decentralized finance (DeFi) compositions. ACM Trans. Web, 17(2). SUERF - The European Money & Finance Forum / UniCredit Foundation Research prize.
Stütz, R., Stockinger, J., Moreno-Sanchez, P., Haslhofer, B., & Maffei, M. (2023). Adoption and actual privacy of decentralized CoinJoin implementations in bitcoin. Proceedings of the 4th ACM conference on advances in financial technologies.
Kappos, G., Yousaf, H., Stütz, R., Rollet, S., Haslhofer, B., & Meiklejohn, S. (2022). How to peel a million: Validating and expanding bitcoin clusters. In: Butler, K., & Thomas, K. (eds.), 31st USENIX Security Symposium, Boston, MA, USA, August 10-12, 2022.
Holly, S., Heel, R., Katic, D., Schoeffl, L., Stiftinger, A., Holzner, P., Kaufmann, T., Haslhofer, B., Schall, D., & Heitzinger, C. (2022). Autoencoder based anomaly detection and explained fault localization in industrial cooling systems. PHM society european conference.
Jalali, A., Haslhofer, B., Heistracher, C., Katic, D., & Rauber, A. (2022). Explaining binary time-series classification with counterfactuals in an industrial use case. ACM CHI workshop on human-centered perspectives in explainable AI.
Heistracher, C., Jalali, A., Schneeweiss, J., Kovacs, K., Laflamme, C., & Haslhofer, B. (2022). Machine learning methods for health-index prediction in coating chambers. Annual conference of the prognostics and health management society style (PHME).
Heistracher, C., Jalali, A., Strobl, I., Suendermann, A., Meixner, S., Holly, S., Schall, D., Haslhofer, B., & Kemnitz, J. (2021). Transfer learning strategies for anomaly detection in IoT vibration data. IECON 2021 - 47th annual conference of the IEEE industrial electronics society.
Casas, P., Romiti, M., Holzer, P., Mariem, S., Donnet, B., & Haslhofer, B. (2021). Where is the light(ning) in the taproot dawn? Unveiling the bitcoin lightning (IP) network. IEEE international conference on cloud networking (CloudNet).
Sakr, S., Bonifati, A., Voigt, H., Iosup, A., Ammar, K., Angles, R., Aref, W., Arenas, M., Besta, M., Boncz, P., Daudjee, K., Valle, E., Dumbrava, S., Hartig, O., Haslhofer, B., Hegeman, T., Hidders, J., Hose, K., Iamnitchi, A., Kalavri, V., Kapp, H., Martens, W., Özsu, M., Peukert, E., Plantikow, S., Ragab, M., Ripeanu, M., Salihoglu, S., Schulz, C., Selmer, P., Sequeda, J., Shinavier, J., Szárnyas, G., Tommasini, R., Tumeo, A., Uta, A., Varbanescu, A., Wu, H., Yakovets, N., Yan, D., & Yoneki, E. (2021). The future is big graphs: A community view on graph processing systems. Commun. ACM, 64(9).
Romiti, M., Victor, F., Moreno-Sanchez, P., Nordholt, P., Haslhofer, B., & Maffei, M. (2021). Cross-layer deanonymization methods in the lightning protocol. In: Borisov, N., & Dı́az, C. (eds.), FC 2021 - 25th international conference on financial cryptography and data security.
Jalali, A., Schindler, A., Haslhofer, B., & Rauber, A. (2020). Machine learning interpretability techniques for outage prediction: A comparative study. PHM Society European Conference.
Fröwis, M., Gottschalk, T., Haslhofer, B., Rückert, C., & Pesch, P. (2020). Safeguarding the evidential value of forensic cryptocurrency investigations. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation.
Stütz, R., Gaži, P., Haslhofer, B., & Illum, J. (2020). Stake shift in major cryptocurrencies: An empirical study. FC 202 - 24th international conference on financial cryptography and data security.
Rörden, J., Gruber, D., Krickl, M., & Haslhofer, B. (2020). Identifying historical travelogues in large text corpora using machine learning. iConference 2020. Best Paper Award.
Mariem, S., Casas, P., Romiti, M., Donnet, B., Stütz, R., & Haslhofer, B. (2020). All that glitters is not bitcoin -- unveiling the centralized nature of the BTC (IP) network. IEEE/IFIP network operations and management symposium (NOMS).
Paquet-Clouston, M., Romiti, M., Haslhofer, B., & Charvat, T. (2019). Spams meet cryptocurrencies: Sextortion in the bitcoin ecosystem. Proceedings of the 1st ACM conference on advances in financial technologies, AFT 2019, zurich, switzerland, october 21-23, 2019.
Romiti, M., Judmayer, A., Zamyatin, A., & Haslhofer, B. (2019). A deep dive into bitcoin mining pools: An empirical analysis of mining shares. 18th annual workshop on the economics of information security (WEIS).
Paquet-Clouston, M., Haslhofer, B., & Dupont, B. (2019). Ransomware payments in the bitcoin ecosystem. Journal of Cybersecurity, 5(1).
Jalali, A., Heistracher, C., Schindler, A., Haslhofer, B., Nemeth, T., Glawar, R., Sihn, W., & Boer, P. (2019). Predicting time-to-failure of plasma etching equipment using machine learning. IEEE international conference on prognostics and health management.
Hinteregger, A., & Haslhofer, B. (2019). Short paper: An empirical analysis of monero cross-chain traceability. In: Goldberg, I., & Moore, T. (eds.), Financial cryptography and data security.
Nemeth, T., Ansari, F., Sihn, W., Haslhofer, B., & Schindler, A. (2018). PriMa-x: A reference model for realizing prescriptive maintenance and assessing its maturity enhanced by machine learning. Procedia CIRP: 51st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, 72, pp. 1039 - 1044.
Haslhofer, B., Isaac, A., & Simon, R. (2018). Knowledge graphs in the libraries and digital humanities domain. In: Sakr, S., & Zomaya, A. (eds.) Encyclopedia of big data technologies, (pp. 1-8). Springer International Publishing.
Jan Rörden, B., & Blumauer, A. (2017). Network-based knowledge graph assessment. Proceedings of the posters and demos track of the 13th international conference on semantic systems (SEMANTiCS).
Filtz, E., Polleres, A., Karl, R., & Haslhofer, B. (2017). Evolution of the bitcoin address graph. In: Haber, P., Lampoltshammer, T., & Mayr, M. (eds.), Data science -- analytics and applications.
Haslhofer, B., Karl, R., & Filtz, E. (2016). O bitcoin where art thou? Insight into large-scale transaction graphs. Joint proceedings of the posters and demos track of the 12th international conference on semantic systems (SEMANTiCS 2016).
Haslhofer, B., Sanderson, R., Simon, R., & van de Sompel, H. (2014). Open annotations on multimedia web resources. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 70(2).
Momeni, E., Haslhofer, B., Tao, K., & Houben, G. (2014). Sifting useful comments from flickr commons and YouTube. International journal on Digital Libraries, 16, pp. 161-179.
Martins, F., Haslhofer, B., & Magalhães, J. (2013). Query expansion using open web-based SKOS vocabularies. ACM SIGIR workshop on health search & discovery (HSD 2013).
Isaac, A., & Haslhofer, B. (2013). Europeana linked open data --- Semantic Web, 4(3).
Roochi, E., Tao, K., Haslhofer, B., & Houben, G. (2013). Identification of useful user comments in social media: A case study on flickr commons. ACM/IEEE joint conference on digital libraries (JCDL 2013). Best Student Paper Award Nominee.
Haslhofer, B., Warner, S., Lagoze, C., Klein, M., Sanderson, R., van de Sompel, H., & Nelson, M. (2013). Web synchronization simulations using the ResourceSync framework. University of Vienna.
Murnane, E., Haslhofer, B., & Lagoze, C. (2013). RESLVE: Leveraging user interest to improve entity disambiguation on short text. Web of linked entities (WoLE) workshop, co-located with WWW2013. Best paper award.
Haslhofer, B., Warner, S., Lagoze, C., Klein, M., Sanderson, R., Nelson, M., & van de Sompel, H. (2013). ResourceSync: Leveraging sitemaps for resource synchronization. WWW 2013.
Haslhofer, B., Martins, F., & Magalhães, J. (2013). Using SKOS vocabularies for improving web search. Web of linked entities (WoLE) workshop, co-located with WWW 2013.
Haslhofer, B., Robitza, W., Lagoze, C., & Guimbretiere, F. (2013). Semantic tagging on historical maps. ACM web science 2013.
Haslhofer, B., Newman, K., Stefanik, A., Robitza, W., & Lagoze, C. (2013). Old maps and open data networks. iConference 2013.
Mader, C., & Haslhofer, B. (2013). Perception and relevance of quality issues in web vocabularies. I-SEMANTICS 2013.
Klein, M., Sanderson, R., van de Sompel, H., Warner, S., Haslhofer, B., Lagoze, C., & Nelson, M. (2013). A technical framework for resource synchronization. D-Lib Magazine, 19(1).
van de Sompel, H., Sanderson, R., Klein, M., Nelson, M., Haslhofer, B., Warner, S., & Lagoze, C. (2012). A perspective on resource synchronization. D-Lib Magazine, 18(9/10).
Isaac, A., Clayphan, R., & Haslhofer, B. (2012). Europeana: Moving to linked open data. Information Standards Quarterly, 24(2/3).
Warner, S., Carpenter, T., Haslhofer, B., Klein, M., Legace, N., Lagoze, C., Murray, P., Nelson, M., Sanderson, R., & van de Sompel, H. (2012). ResourceSync: Web-based resource synchronization. The 7th international conference on open repositories (OR2012).
Mader, C., Haslhofer, B., & Isaac, A. (2012). Finding quality issues in SKOS vocabularies. In: Zaphiris, P., Buchanan, G., Rasmussen, E., & Loizides, F. (eds.), Therory and practice of digital libraries (TPDL 2012).
Haslhofer, B. (2012). The SciLink project: From document-centric to resource-oriented publications. iConference '12.
Haslhofer, B., Simon, R., Sanderson, R., & van de Sompel, H. (2011). The open annotation collaboration (OAC) model. Workshop on multimedia on the web 2011.
Popitsch, N., & Haslhofer, B. (2011). DSNotify - a solution for event detection and link maintenance in dynamic datasets. Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, 9(3).
Simon, R., 6g, J., & Haslhofer, B. (2011). The YUMA media annotation framework. TPDL 2011.
Mader, C., & Haslhofer, B. (2011). Quality criteria for controlled web vocabularies. International conference on theory and practice of digital libraries 2011, NKOS workshop.
Haslhofer, B., & Isaac, A. (2011). - the europeana linked open data pilot. DCMI international conference on dublin core and metadata applications.
Haslhofer, B., & Neuhold, E. (2011). A retrospective on semantics and interoperability research. In: Fensel, D. (eds.) Foundations for the web of information and services, (pp. 3-27). Springer.
Jung, J., Simon, R., & Haslhofer, B. (2011). YUMA --- crowd sourced metadata enrichment for online collections. ERCIM News, 86(1).
Simon, R., Haslhofer, B., & 6g, J. (2011). Annotations, tags & linked data. 6th international workshop on digital technologies in cartographic heritage.
Mader, C., Haslhofer, B., & Popitsch, N. (2011). The MEKETREpository - middle kingdom tomb and artwork descriptions on the web. In: Gradmann, S., Borri, F., Meghini, C., & Schuldt, H. (eds.), Theory and practice of digital libraries (TPDL 2011).
Haslhofer, B., & Simon, R. (2011). Historic map annotations with YUMA. Open annotation collaboration, phase II workshop.
Haslhofer, B., Roochi, E., Schandl, B., & Zander, S. (2011). Europeana RDF store report. University of Vienna.
Schandl, B., Haslhofer, B., Bürger, T., Langegger, A., & Halb, W. (2011). Linked data and multimedia: The state of affairs. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 59(2).
Simon, R., Haslhofer, B., Robitza, W., & Roochi, E. (2011). Semantically augmented annotations in digitized map collections. ACM/IEEE joint conference on digital libraries (JCDL).
Popitsch, N., Haslhofer, B., & Roochi, E. (2010). An evaluation approach for dynamics-aware applications using linked data. 9th international workshop on web semantics (WebS), co-located with DEXA 2010.
Haslhofer, B., Roochi, E., Gay, M., & Simon, R. (2010). Augmenting europeana content with linked data resources. Proceedings of the 6th international conference on semantic systems (SEMANTICS 2010).
Simon, R., Sadilek, C., Korb, J., Baldauf, M., & Haslhofer, B. (2010). Tag clouds and old maps: Annotations as linked spatiotemporal data in the cultural heritage domain. Workshop on linked spatiotemporal data, held in conjunction with the 6th international conference on geographic information science (GIScience 2010).
Sadilek, C., Simon, R., & Haslhofer, B. (2010). Service orchestration for linking open data: Applying a SOA principle to the web of data. 1st international workshop on recent trends in SOA based information systems (RTSOABIS 2010).
Nussbaumer, P., Haslhofer, B., & Klas, W. (2010). Towards model implementation guidelines for the CIDOC conceptual reference model. Technical Report, University of Vienna.
Haslhofer, B., & Schandl, B. (2010). Interweaving OAI-PMH data sources with the linked data cloud. Int. J. Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, 1(5).
Popitsch, N., & Haslhofer, B. (2010). DSNotify: Handling broken links in the web of data. Nineteenth international WWW conference (WWW2010).
Haslhofer, B., & Klas, W. (2010). A survey of techniques for achieving metadata interoperability. ACM Computing Surveys, 42(7).
Schandl, B., & Haslhofer, B. (2010). Files are siles: Extending file systems with semantic annotations. International journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS), 6(3).
Haslhofer, B., & Popitsch, N. (2009). DSNotify: Detecting and fixing broken links in linked data sets. 8th international workshop on web semantics (WebS 09), co-located with DEXA 2009.
Haslhofer, B. (2009). The MediaSpaces mapping framework - a web-based approach for establishing metadata interoperability (poster). 6th european semantic web conference (ESWC 2009).
Schandl, B., & Haslhofer, B. (2009). The sile model: A semantic file system infrastructure for the desktop. 6th european semantic web conference (ESWC2009).
Haslhofer, B., Jochum, W., King, R., Sadilek, C., & Schellner, K. (2009). The LEMO annotation framework: Weaving multimedia annotations with the web. International journal on Digital Libraries, 10(1).
Haslhofer, B. (2009). Mappings in the web of data: A web-based mapping technique for establishing metadata interoperability. Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften.
Haslhofer, B. (2008). A web-based mapping technique for establishing metadata interoperability. PhD thesis, University of Vienna.
Haslhofer, B. (2008). The BRICKS digital library infrastructure. In: Kruk, S., & McDaniel, B. (eds.) Semantic digital libraries, (pp. 153-164). Springer.
Haslhofer, B., & Schandl, B. (2008). The OAI2LOD server: Exposing OAI-PMH metadata as linked data. International workshop on linked data on the web (LDOW2008), co-located with WWW 2008.
Haslhofer, B. (2008). A comparative study of mapping solutions for enabling metadata interoperability. University of Vienna.
Keßler, M., Schwarzmaier, M., & Haslhofer, B. (2008). Umfragereport zur nutzung von metadaten. KIM - Kompetenzzentrum Interoperable Metadaten.
Nußbaumer, P., & Haslhofer, B. (2007). CIDOC CRM in action - experiences and challenges. In: Kovács, L., Fuhr, N., & Meghini, C. (eds.), 11th european conference on research and advanced technology for digital libraries (ECDL07).
Nussbaumer, P., & Haslhofer, B. (2007). Putting the CIDOC CRM into practice - experiences and challenges. Technical Report, University of Vienna.
Haslhofer, B. (2007). Uniform SPARQL access to interlinked (digital library) sources. The 6th european networked knowledge organization systems (NKOS) workshop.
Kruk, S., Haslhofer, B., Piotrowsk, P., Westerski, A., & Woroniecki, T. (2006). The role of ontologies in semantic digital libraries.. The 5th european networked knowledge organization systems (NKOS) workshop.
Haslhofer, B. (2006). A service oriented architecture for integrating metadata from heterogeneous digital libraries. The 1st international workshop on semantic information integration on knowledge discovery (SIIK 2006).
Haslhofer, B. (2006). Context and current metadata standards (short entry). In: Furth, B. (eds.) Encyclopedia of multimedia, (pp. 123-124). Springer Science, Business Media, Inc.
Zillner, S., Winiwarter, W., & Haslhofer, B. (2005). The design and implementation of a query algebra for multimedia meta objects. 4th international workshop on web semantics (WebS).
Hecht, R., & Haslhofer, B. (2005). Joining the BRICKS network - a piece of cake. The international EVA conference.
Haslhofer, B., & Hecht, R. (2005). Metadata management in a heterogeneous digital library. eChallenges 2005.
Haslhofer, B. (2003). Agent-based electronic markets --- a look behind the scenes. Master's thesis, University of Vienna.
Standards and Specifications
ResourceSync Framework Specification (co-editor): describes a synchronization framework for the web consisting of various capabilities that allow third party systems to remain synchronized with a server's evolving resources.
Open Annotation Data Model (contributor): specifies an interoperable framework for creating associations between related resources, annotations, using a methodology that conforms to the Architecture of the World Wide Web. Open Annotations can easily be shared between platforms, with sufficient richness of expression to satisfy complex requirements while remaining simple enough to also allow for the most common use cases, such as attaching a piece of text to a single web resource.