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Bernhard Haslhofer | Research Profile

I am a faculty member at the Complexity Science Hub Vienna, where I lead the Financial Technologies research group. Additionally, I am also one of the co-founders of Iknaio Cryptoasset Analytics GmbH and a court-certified expert in IT and cryptoasset forensics.

Research Interests

My research focuses on applying computational methods to large-scale network datasets to derive novel insights.

Currently, my primary area of interest is cryptoasset analytics, where my team and I use computational methods to investigate the technical and socio-economic aspects of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) ecosystems.

Additionally, I am involved in the DesinFact project, where I study network structures and communication patterns in disinformation campaigns across various information channels.


Jun 2024 - Miroslav and I presented some initial results on detecting disinformation in email communication networks at the M3AAWG 61st General Meeting.

May 2024 - We are hosting this year's edition of the Frontiers in DeFi workshop workshop.

May 2024 - I presented our working paper on Mapping the DeFi Crime Landscape at the 10th EUROPOL Virtual Currencies Conference in The Hague.

Apr 2024 - We achieved second place in the 2024 Houska Prize for our research in the cryptoassets field.

Apr 2024 - New pre-print on Detecting Financial Bots in the Ethereum Blockchain is now available on arXiv.

Jan 2024 - We are pleased to announce the release of GraphSense v24.01. This update introduces tracing and tracking functionalities for the Tron network. A hosted version is available at Iknaio Cryptoasset Analytics GmbH.

Jan 2024 - We are going to host the next edition of the international conference on Advances in Financial Technologies (AFT). The CfP is out now!