Open Source Software

GraphSense: Open-source Cryptoasset Analytics Platform

Wikigrouth: A Python tool for extracting entity mentions from a collection of Wikipedia documents.

ResourceSync: Software implementing the ResourceSync data synchronization framework for the Web.

Maphub: A system that allows people to cross-reference historical maps with resources in Web-based knowledge graphs. It also demonstrates application of the W3C Open Annotation specification.

Lucene-SKOS: An analyzer module for Apache Lucene 4.x and Solr 4.x, which takes existing SKOS concepts schemes and performs term expansion for given Lucene documents and/or queries.

qSKOS: A command line tool and API for finding quality issues in SKOS vocabularies.

DSNotify: A generic change detection framework for Linked Data sources that informs data-consuming actors about the various types of events (create, remove, move, update) that can occur in data sources.

OAI2LOD Server: A leight-weight proxy server component that exposes any OAI-PMH compliant metadata repository as Linked (Open) Data


Ransomware Payments in the Bitcoin Ecosystem: This dataset contains 7,222 Bitcoin seed addresses related to 67 ransomware families as well as addresses that were identified by applying the expansion procedure described in in our paper. A open dataset comprising metadata of 20 million texts, images, videos and sounds gathered from institutions all over Europe by Europeana.